"Exhibition "ESPACES LYRIQUES" (LYRICAL SPACES) at the Ingres Gallery, CANOPÉ Académie de Toulouse
From May 2nd to July 6th 2016
Open from Mondays to Fridays from 8:15 am to 6:00 pm (05:00 pm on Fridays)
Marc Laborde, academic director of Toulouse's Canopé, is happy to welcome you at Anna Dos Santos's exhibition" Espaces Lyriques ", from May 2nd to July 6th 2016.
Artistic installations and events around the exhibition "Espaces Lyriques"
Anna Dos Santos's travel notebooks from 2006 on will be on display in conjunction with the exhibition, together with a selection of books on lyrical abstraction.
Posters, photographs and calligraphy tools from Beijing will also be on display in a curiosity cabinet.
Tuesday May 10th 2016:
Opening of the exhibition from 06:00 pm on / video of the April 29th 2016's hanging
Wednesday May 25th 2016:
Guided tour of the exhibition with the artist at 03:00 pm, at the Ingres Gallery.
Another visit is scheduled for Saturday June 11th at 10:00 am for groups of 10 or more (previous inscription needed for participation).
SCHOOL WORKSHOPS conducted by the artist on Wednesdays May 11th & 25th and on June 8th from 09:15 am to 12:00:
Lyrical Spaces : From words to pictures, from marks to landscapes.
Creating abstract landscapes from lines, shapes and graphical impressions on different mediums.

Galerie Ingres – Canopé de Toulouse
68 Bd de Strasbourg- 31000 Toulouse
Tel : 05 61 99 48 48
Métro ligne B – Station Jeanne d’Arc
Bus 15/16/29 – Concorde
